Biography of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani
Friday, July 15, 2011
Birth and his death:Born in mid-Sha'ban year 685 H. Died in 748 H in Cairo. His biography was published by Al Hafidz in the book Ad Durarul Kaminah, biography number 1452. Imam Ibn Rajab said that Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani was born in 490/471 in the city Jailan H or collectively with kailan. So at the end of his name added Gilani said Al or Al Kailani or also Al Jiliy. (Biaografi he published the Book of Adh Dzail 'Ala Thabaqil Hanabilah I/301-390, number 134, works of Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. This book has not been translated into Indonesian.)He died on Saturday evening, after sunset, on the 9th of Rabee H End of year 561 in the area Babul Azaj..
Youth He:He left the homeland and migrated to Baghdad when he was young. In the study Baghdad to some scholars like Ibn Aqil, Abul Khatthat, Abul Hussein Al-Farra 'and also Abu Sa'ad Al Muharrimi. He learned to be able to master the science of usul and also differences of opinion of the scholars'. Once Abu Sa'ad Al Mukharrimi build small schools in the area called Babul Azaj. School management was left entirely to the Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. He manages the school in earnest. Lived there while giving advice to people who have it. Many are those who repented after hearing his advice. Many people are sympathetic to him, then came to his school. So that the school was not strong hold them. Thus, there was expansion
His disciples:His many disciples who became scholars' famous. Like Al Hafidz Abdul Ghani who compiled the book Ahkam Fi Umdatul Kalami Khairil Anam. Also Sheikh Qudama famous compilers of the book Al-Mughni figh.
Scholars of his words:Sheikh Ibn Qudama rahimahullah when asked about Sheikh Abdul Qadir, he replied, "we had met him at the end of his life. He put us in school. He was very concerned about us. Sometimes he sent his son named John to turn on the lights for us. He was always a priest in prayer fard. "Shaykh Ibn Qudama had lived with him for nine days a month. Used this opportunity to learn to Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani until he died. (Siyar A'lamin Nubala XX/442). He was an 'alim. Beraqidah Ahlu Sunna, follow the path Salafush Salih. Known to have many Karamah-Karamah.
But many (others) who invents a lie on his behalf. It lies either in the form of stories, sayings, teachings, "tariqa" which is different from the way the Prophet, his companions, and others. Among them can be known from the sayings of Imam Ibn Rajab, "Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani was a man eminent in his day. Revered by many of the shaykhs, both 'scholars and experts ascetic. He has many virtues and Karamah. But there is a man named Al Muqri 'Abul Hasan Al Ash Syathnufi Mishri (His full name is Ali Ibn Yusuf ibn Jarir al-mi Lakh Syath Ash-Nufi. Born in Cairo in 640 AH, died in 713 H. He was accused of lying and do not meet by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani) collects stories and the virtues of Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani in the three volumes of the book. He has written a strange matters and big (lie).
Suffice it's a lie, if he tells what he heard. I have seen most of this book, but my heart is at ease to stick with it, so I do not narrate what's inside. Except for the stories that have been mansyhur and famous than the book. Since the book contains the history of many people who are not known. There are also matters a lot (of religion and reason), the evils, charges and saying that vanity is not limitless. (Like the story of Sheikh Abdul Qadir turn chickens that have died, and the like.) They are not worth ascribed to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani rahimahullah. Then I get that Ja'far Al Kamal Al Adfwi (His full name is Tsa'lab bin Ja'far bin Ja'far bin Ali bin Muthahhar bin Nawfal Al Adfawi. Seoarang 'bermadzhab Shafi'i scholars. Born in the middle of Sha'ban 685 years old 748 years old H H. Died in Cairo. biography he published by Al Hafidz in Kitan Ad Durarul Kaminah, biography number 1452.) has been mentioned, that Ash-nufi Syath themselves accused of lying diriwayatkannya stories in this book. "(quoted from the book At Tashawwuf Fii Mizanil Bahtsi Wat Verification, p.. 509, works of Sheikh Abdul Qadir ibn Habibullah As Sindi, Publisher Dar al Manar, ed. II, 8 Dzulqa'dah 1415 AH / 8 April 1995 AD). Imam Ibn Rajab also said, "Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani have a good rahimahullah the problem of unity, attributes of God, fate, and the sciences ma'rifat in accordance with the Sunnah. He has a book Al Ghunyah Li Thalibi Thariqil Haq, the famous book. He also has a book of supernatural Futuhul.
His students gathered matters relating to the advice of his assemblies. In matters of nature, destiny and the other, he adheres to the Sunnah. He argued strongly against those who menyelisihi Sunnah. "Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani said in his book, Al Ghunyah," He (God) on the top, above the 'arsyNya, covering the entire kingdom. Knowledge encompasses all things. "Then he mentions the verses and hadith-hadith, then said" define the nature istiwa Consciousness '(Allah is above the' arsyNya) without takwil (skew to the other meaning).
And it is istiwa 'Essence of God above arsys. "(At Wat Bahtsi Tashawwuf Fii Mizanil Verification, p.. 515). Ali bin Idris once asked Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani, "O my lord, whether God has a guardian (lover) are not above the Aqeedah (Imam) Ahmad bin Hambal?" So he replied, "There has never been and will not be there. "(At Wat Bahtsi Tashawwuf Fii Mizanil Verification, p.. 516). The words of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani was also dinukilkan by Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in the book of Al Istiqamah I/86. All it shows respect for his straightness aqidahnya and against manhaj Salaf. Sam'ani said, "Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani is Jailan city residents. He is an Imam Hambali bermadzhab. Became professor of schools at the time of his life. "Imam Adh Dzahabi biography mentions Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani in Siyar A'lamin Nubala, and menukilkan Sheikh following words," More than five hundred people to Islam through my hands, and more than one hundred thousands of people have repented. "Imam Adh Dzahabi menukilkan sayings and deeds of Sheikh Abdul Qadir weird thus giving the impression as if he knew the things that are unseen. Then finished saying, "Essentially Sheikh Abdul Qadir has a great position. But there is criticism against most of his words and promises of God (pardon for the mistakes of believers). But some of his words is a lie on his behalf. "(Siyar XX/451). Imam Adh Dzahabi also said, "None of the flapping masyasyeikh a curriculum vitae and karamahnya more stories on this saga, in addition to Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani, and many of the narrations that's not true there is even the impossible happen." Sheikh Rabi 'bin Hadi Al Madkhali says in his book, Al Haddul Fashil, hal.136, "I have gained aqidah he (Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani) in his book called Al Ghunyah. (See the book Al-Ghunyah I/83-94) So I know him as a Salafi.
He set the names and attributes of God and Aqeedah other above-Aqeedah Salaf manhaj. He also denied that Shiite groups, Rafidhah, Jahmiyyah, Jabariyyah, Salimiyah, and other groups with manhaj Salaf. "(At Wat Bahtsi Tashawwuf Fii Mizanil Verification, p.. 509, works of Sheikh Abdul Qadir ibn Habibullah As Sindi, Darul Publisher Manar, ed. II, 8 Dzulqa'dah 1415 AH / 8 April 1995 AD). This is about him briefly. An 'alim Salafi, Sunni, but many people are flattering and makes a lie on his behalf.
While he is innocent of all the lies. And Allaah knows bestbishshawwab. In conclusion he is a 'great scholar. If today many Muslims laud-nyanjungnya and love him, then one of reasonableness. Even a necessity. However, if the rising-above raises the degree of his Prophet shollallahu'alaihi wasalam, then this is a mistake. Because the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wasalam was the apostle of the most noble among the prophets and apostles. Degree will not be defeated by any human hand of God.
The majority of the Muslims who made the Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gilani as Wasilah (intermediary) in their prayers. Believes that one's prayer will not be granted by God, except with the intermediary. It is also an error. Makes the people who died as an intermediary, then there is no syari'atnya and this is forbidden. Especially if there are people who pray to him. This is a major shirk. Because prayer is one form of worship is not given to other than Allah. God forbid inhabitants pray to other than Allah,
And verily the mosques, it belonged to God.So do you worship someone else in itIn addition to (worship) of Allah.(Surat al-Jinn: 18)
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